Cooking Equipment

πŸ›ˆBurner Triple, propane & 20lb tank
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corresponding thumbnailBurner, butane, single tabletop 15.20
corresponding thumbnailBurner, electric induction, singleβ€” needs magnet-affected pot 20.50
Butane Fuel, cartridge 8.20
Extension Cord, 25' 15.20
πŸ›ˆExtension Cord, 15' 12.70
πŸ›ˆGriddle (flat top), propane & 30lb tank, Big John, 20x36" 171.00
πŸ›ˆOven, electric convection, 3 shelf 76.00
πŸ›ˆOven, propane & 20lb tank, non-insulated 184.00
πŸ›ˆRange, propane, 6 Burner, with oven & 40lb tank 285.00

Barbeques & Accessories

πŸ›ˆBarbeque, charcoal, 2' x 5' 171.00
corresponding thumbnailBarbeque, charcoal with spit 210.00
πŸ›ˆBarbeque, charcoal with spit, hood, 2' x 5', stainless steel 76.00
corresponding thumbnailBarbeque, propane (Coleman) & two 20lb tanks, 20x66" 329.00
corresponding thumbnailBarbeque, propane (lg) & 30lb tank, 23x72" 329.00
corresponding thumbnailBarbeque, propane (med) & 30lb tank, 23x58" 266.00
πŸ›ˆBarbeque, propane (sm) & 30lb tank, 23x42" 196.00
πŸ›ˆBarbeque, propane, hood, 23x58", stainless steel 64.00
πŸ›ˆGriddle Plate, 15x30", stainless steel 38.00

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Phone: 250-383-7783

Glass, old fashioned, cut crystal, 10.5 oz.